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Why Start Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses compounded hormones to custom-match the exact hormone requirements of perimenopausal women. Unlike standard hormone replacement therapy, which uses a one-size-fits-all approach, BHRT aims to address specific needs in specific individuals. For women interested in hormone replacement, BHRT should be considered a viable, custom option. 

Mood Benefits 

Perhaps the biggest reason to start down the path of BHRT is the mood benefits it provides. One of the most common complaints associated with menopause is a change in mood that leaves women feeling depressed, lethargic, and blue. Because BHRT can specifically target mood through varying combinations of hormones that aren’t found in standard HRT, it can have a larger impact on depression. In fact, BHRT can be more effective than standard therapies, like SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants. 

Libido Benefits 

Though it often isn’t discussed and is just brushed off as “normal aging,” a loss of libido for women is no more “normal” than it is in men. In many cases, the cause is low testosterone (low T), just as it is for men. Women, though they don’t have the high levels of testosterone that men do, still produce small amounts of the hormone. When levels of testosterone plummet, energy, strength, and libido plummet as well. With standard HRT, testosterone supplementation isn’t possible unless prescribed and administered separately. With BHRT, testosterone can be compounded with other hormones and delivered in a single pill, patch, gel, or cream as an integrated part of therapy. Simply put, BHRT makes it easy for physicians and pharmacists to address low T. 

It’s a Match 

Bioidentical hormones are indistinguishable, down to the molecular level, from the standard human hormones they are intended to replace. In other words, the hormones used in BHRT are an exact match for naturally occurring human hormones. What is more, because BHRT relies on individual compounding, every dose is custom-matched to the exact needs of the patient. So, not only are the hormones themselves perfect chemical matches to human hormones, the quantities in which they are administered are precisely tailored by qualified providers to meet the needs of a specific individual. 

Considering BHRT 

BHRT isn’t right for everyone, but every woman should be free to make a determination for herself. Whether a woman lives in Houston TX or Bangor ME, she should have the freedom to determine what is best for her. If you are interested in treating the symptoms of menopause, talk with your doctor today about the risks, benefits, and availability of BHRT.

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