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When Is The Right Time To Move Into A Care Home?

Care Home

Seeing a loved one suffer is something that no one wants to witness in their lifetime. But with many elements leading to a care home becoming a necessity, how can you determine when it is the right time for your loved one? In this article, we will be providing you with insight into when it is the right time to move your loved one into a care home. 

Is Your Loved One’s Condition Worsening? 

When looking at whether a care house is a right choice for your loved one, you should first consider the condition that your loved one is in. Are they able to look after themselves? Can they keep there home tidy? Are they able to navigate with ease? If the answer is no, it may be time to find them a care home that can provide them with this level of care. 

Is There A Health And Safety Risk? 

In addition to the bare basics, it is important to consider the health and safety risk that can come along with this. If there has been a diagnosis of dementia or any other disease that can worsen over time, leaving them to fend for themselves at home can pose a health and safety risk not only to them but to those around them. It is at this time that a care house should be considered as it ensures they are getting the level of care that they need and ensures that they are supervised should their condition continue to worsen. 

Care At Home vs A Care Home 

If your loved one is only in need of the basic level of care, then you are met with a difficult decision. Do you opt for a care home in Cambridgeshire or do you opt for at-home care? With both of these coming in at different price points, each come with its own positives and negatives when it comes to the level of care that they provide. With certain requirements needed for both of these to work, each option should be considered in-depth to make sure you marking the right decision. 

Is Their Mental Health Being Affected? 

Another reason for choosing a care home could be their mental health. If they have been relying heavily on other family members visiting for mental stimulation and basic care, this can take a toll on the family dynamic. If this is the case, finding the right care home that is welcoming and has several different activities on offer, is an amazing way of making sure they are cared for whilst giving them the mental stimulation that they need. Though it may take time to get used to, it makes sure that they are safe and allows you to get back to your family dynamic. 

With this in mind, there are several ways that you can begin to determine whether or not a care home can benefit your family in the long term. Whether you are looking for specialist care or basic care, there is a care home out there for you. 

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