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What To Expect From Your First Tattoo Removal Treatment Session

Tattoo Removal

The number of people getting tattoos is on the rise. Although many people are happy with the results of their tattoos, plenty of individuals later regret getting ink. Tattoo removal has become a popular cosmetic treatment in recent years and there is no shortage of tattoo removal London clinics to choose from today.

No matter the reasons for getting a tattoo removed, you can rest assured that the process can eliminate the ink you had done. Tattoo removal can be expensive and depending on your pain tolerance, uncomfortable. If you are unsure of what to expect from your first tattoo removal treatment session, then read below for some information on what you will experience.

During the tattoo removal treatment session

The first session may be the most ‘frightening’ because you are going into the great unknown. Fear not as an experienced technician will help you through the first session. During the first session, the technician will clean the tattooed area. Then, an icepack will be used to numb the tattoo and the skin around it.

After icing the area for a few minutes, a Zimmer machine will be used to blast cold air onto the tattoo. The freezing cold air will be exposed the tattoo for a minute. The tattoo removal will begin with the technician completing a test spot to gauge how you feel with the laser on your skin. Once the test is complete and the technician makes any needed adjustments, the removal process will begin. The Zimmer machine will continue to blast cold air onto your tattoo to cool the skin during treatment.

The skin will exhibit a top layer called ‘frosting’ once the session is over. The ‘frosting’ is a reaction to the treatment, and it lasts for just a few minutes. ‘Frosting’ occurs due to the ink particles being broken into small pieces by the laser.

Once the session is complete, you will be given a hydrocortisone cream. The technician will also provide you with an aftercare bag of items including information for proper at-home care.

After the first tattoo removal treatment session

The tattoo removal healing process is very similar to receiving a tattoo. You need to look after the tattooed area after your removal treatment sessions to ensure no issues arise such as infection. Looking after the tattooed area will also ensure that the skin heals without scarring.

Once the first tattoo removal treatment session is complete, there are some things you should and shouldn’t do. You should not exercise for at least 24 hours following the first session. You need to keep the area that has been treated clean with mild soap.

Much like getting a tattoo, you shouldn’t go swimming for a minimum of 48 hours as the tattooed area is still an ‘open womb’. Vitamin E oil will keep the area hydrated, so you should apply it to keep it from drying out. Finally, you need to keep the tattoo removal treated area covered and out of the sun. This will prevent any hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation from occurring.

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