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How You Can Prepare Your Skin For Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Hair Removal

Are you frustrated from cutting yourself every time you pick up the razor to get rid of body hair?

Are you done with putting up with the irritation, pain and burning sensation that comes with waxing?

Then it is high time you ditched traditional body hair removal solutions and adopted laser body hair removal treatment.

Before you rush to book an appointment, make sure you read the following sections, where a few tips are shared regarding ways to prepare your skin for a laser hair removal treatment.

Follow the tips shared below for the best results.

Here goes –

Avoid Using Skincare Products On Areas Of Your Skin that Would Be Laser-Treated

The most common ingredients in skincare products are retinol, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. These chemicals have some benefits in store for your skin, but at the same time, when subjected to heat, they can react with the sebum of your skin and cause irreversible damage.

This is why dermatologists recommend men and women planning to get laser hair removal treatment stop using all forms of topical skincare products at least one week before the treatment appointment for the best results.

Shave Body Hair Strands From Parts Of Your Skin That May Be Laser Treated

If your skin produces long body hair strands, you would need to shave it all off but make sure that you are shaving the body hair from the areas in your skin subjected to effective laser hair removal treatment a week before the appointment.

Shaving the extra-long body hair strands will boost the overall efficacy of the laser hair removal treatment as the laser beam(s) will easily be able to reach the hair follicles on your skin and deliver the complete energy packet(s) instead of losing some of it by hitting body hair strands and burning them in the process.

Dress Accordingly

You would need to stay away from clothes made using synthetic materials like polyester, nylon, etc. These dress materials can easily catch fire when subjected to heat sources. You should wear loose-fitting cotton-based clothes.

Why Loose Fitting?

Well, it would be easier for you to take it off for the session, or if that is not an option, then cotton-based clothes are easy to lift or fold.

Why Cotton?

Cotton based clothes will not make you feel uncomfortable after your effective laser hair removal treatment. Even if cotton cloths rub your skin, they don’t have any rough fibres that can irritate your skin.

Clean Your Skin, Especially The Target Areas Before Arriving At The Clinic

You should arrive at your preferred skin clinic with clean skin – in the literal sense. Apart from taking a long shower and exfoliating your skin, especially the areas that would be subjected to laser treatment, you would also need to make sure that the would-be treated areas are free from products like –


For a seamless, comfortable and result-oriented laser hair removal experience, book your appointment at a skin clinic that has a stellar reputation. Make sure that the skin clinic has certified staff members under its payroll. An always available dermatologist on-site is also a dealmaker!

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